Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Latest Letter From Zac (Jan. 28th)

Hola Everyone

How are you guys doing? All is well here in the D.R. So what is new with everyone. Well this week we had a pretty good week! We have been working pretty hard and looking for some more people to teach. This week we did some contacting in the rich part of our area. Some of these people have like cameras and microphones at the front gate of their houses its pretty crazy! ha ha but all is well. We have some investigators with some baptismal dates and they are progressing well. Yeimy is still preparing for her baptism and Barry and Cristina our preparing for their baptism and marriage. Satan is really working on them so if you could keep them in your prayers that would be great. Also Juan and his wife Nancy are progressing very well and we are hoping to put a baptismal date with them this week so all is well. We are hoping to put a baptismal date with Enriques wife Nanci also. Enrique is a member and we have been getting a lot of support from him so that is going well. Well today for P'day we played basketball in the morning once again with a bunch of missionaries and that was really fun. After we went and ate at TGI Friday´s and that was good. Believe it or not but there are only 2 on this island. ha ha That was really good! All in all it has been a good p´day. On monday we find out who is staying and who is going in the zone. I am pretty sure that im going to stay here in Las Antillas but i don´t know if my comp. Elder Capellan is going to stay or go. We will see on monday. We have had a good transfer and time is flying! I hit my year and 1 mark so wow that is crazy!
Well thanks for all your support and love!

Love Elder Rigby

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