Sunday, January 4, 2009

Latest letter from Zac (Dec 31st)

Hola everyone
How are you guys doing? All is well here in the D.R. Well Christmas was good here. Hot as usual but it was good. It was a little wierd not seeing snow and all but it was good! It was awesome to talk to the fam and get caught up with what is happening in the real world. For Christmas here, we went and ate at a members for Christmas eve and then for Christmas i woke up and opened my packages. Thank you to everyone that sent me packages! I loved them a lot. In the afternoon we called our families. All in all it was awesome. This week we got an awesome reference family from the assistants. They moved from their area to our area but they are awesome. They want to get married and baptized so everything is going good. We are still looking for more people to teach but all in all its good. Today we played basketball here and had a little tournament with a bunch of Elders. It was really cool and i really enjoyed it. We played on hard wood floor and everything believe it or not. Today is also my companions birthday. I have celebrated a birthday with every single one of my companions so i thought that was pretty funny! So how was everyones Christmas? Hope all is well. This week i learned something way cool in the scriptures. In 1Nephi 11:13 (i think) but it talks about how Nephi knows that God loves him but he may not know everything in the world. I was just thinking as long as we know that God loves all of us we don´t need to know everything in the world. We just need to feel that love from our Father! I thought that was really cool! Well thanks for all your support and everything! Love you guys. Love
Elder Rigby

1 comment:

The Tracy's said...

Hi Rigs,
Sorry about Kyles father.
Is there anything better than Christmas with a missionary? NO!! I have to say that Zach's apartment looks real snazzy compared to Landon's. Too much fun:)