Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Latest Letter From Zac (Oct. 8)

Mountain in Constanza

Zac's new shower!!
Beautiful View of farm land.

Ghetto??? I saw Zac's apartment in a pic. and it looks alot better than this. Thank Goodness.

Hola Everyone

How is everything going? All is well here in the D.R. and in Constanza.Well a lot to talk about this week. First off Constanza is awesome. Its so wierd to think that we are still in the Carribean when you are up there. It gets pretty cold at night and we have to take warm showers. Its pretty sweet. Well the area is really good and big. I think that we can have a lot of success up there if we work hard. The church is only a branch up there right now but they are putting a chapel up there within a year. Right now its just a house so it will be good for them to get a chapel up there. This past week the 4 brothers up in Puerto Plata were baptized. It was really cool and im excited that the baptism went through. Well as all of you know General Conference was this past week. WE had a really good time. I enjoyed conference a lot this time. I learned so much and the talks were amazing. One of my favorites was by Joseph B. Wirthlin and how he talked about we just need to smile and have fun. It was a really awesome talk. Of course Thomas S. Monson had amazing talks like always. It was really an enjoyable time. Well yesterday we had interviews with President and that went really good! We talked about a lot of good stuff. We talked a lot about Constanza and hoiw the Branch is doing up there. It was really good. Our investigators up there are doing good also. We have a few baptismal dates so hopefully we can get them to make their covenants with Heavenly Father. Well today is P-day Santiago. We had to wake up at 5 to come into Santiago because we are so far away. Elder Allen is going to stop by an old area of his and visit some people. Me and Elder Allen are getting along realliy good. I think that we are going to have a lot of success this transfer! Well thank you everyone for your support and love!

LoveElder Rigby


The Tracy's said...

I love this so much. Keep posting his letters and I will do the same. This blogging thing takes time but it is so cool. Read Landon's last letter and read the comment by one of his investigators.
Love ya,

Michael and Morgan said...

His new area is so pretty, but I just feel so bad about his shower... I would cry if I had to shower out of a barrel! Maybe that is why he is there and not me! Haha!

lynnie said...

This place is so primitive but beautiful. Don't you just sort of wish for life to slow down so that you could go there and just walk the streets and think !
( Of course I want there to be one big amazing hotel there for me to stay in when I get back from walking!)